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Bible Class Studies

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 1739

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/16/25 Mercy Phil Robertson N/A Sun AM 2025-2-16_Class.mp3
02/12/25 Jerusalem Church- A Changed People! Keith Hagewood N/A Wed PM 2025-2-12_Class-1739811086.mp3
02/09/25 Parable of the Two Sons Phil Robertson N/A Sun AM
02/02/25 The Great Value of the Kingdom Phil Robertson N/A Sun AM 2025-2-2_Class_6.mp3
01/29/25 Jerusalem Church- A Changed People! Keith Hagewood N/A Wed PM 2025-1-29_Class.mp3
01/26/25 Parable of the Tares David McClister N/A Sun AM 2025-1-26_Class.mp3
01/22/25 Kingdom or Kingdoms Keith Hagewood N/A Wed PM 2025-1-22_Class.mp3
01/19/25 It is a Unique Kingdom Indeed Phil Robertson N/A Sun AM 2025-1-19_Class.mp3
01/15/25 God is King Keith Hagewood N/A Wed PM 2025-1-15_Class.mp3
01/12/25 The Parable of the Hearts Phil Robertson N/A Sun AM 2025-1-12_Class.mp3
01/08/25 God is King Keith Hagewood N/A Wed PM 2025-1-8_Class.mp3
01/05/25 Introduction to the Kingdom Parables Phil Robertson N/A Sun AM 2025-1-5_Class.mp3
01/01/25 Psalm 1 Ralph Walker N/A Wed PM 2025-1-1_Class.mp3
12/29/24 Study of Joy Dean Franklin N/A Sun AM 2024-12-29_Class.mp3
12/25/24 Gifts From God Shane Scott N/A Wed PM 2024-12-25_Class.mp3
12/22/24 Study of Joy Mickey Oliver N/A Sun AM 2024-12-22_Class.mp3
12/18/24 Psalm 23 Ralph Walker N/A Wed PM 2024-12-18_Class.mp3
12/15/24 Study of Joy John Haley N/A Sun AM 2024-12-15_Class.mp3
12/11/24 Psalm 119 David Brickey N/A Wed PM 2024-12-11_Class.mp3
12/08/24 Study of Joy John Haley N/A Sun AM 2024-12-8_Class.mp3

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