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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/27/07 False YAHWEH Worship Marty Pickup Sermon (none) Sunday False_YAHWEH_Worship_5-27-07_Sermon_MP.mp3
05/27/07 Is Prayer Important Marty Pickup Sermon (none) Sunday Is_Prayer_Important_5-27-07_Sermon_MP.mp3
05/23/07 1 Kings 10-12 Marty Pickup Bible Class 1 Kings Sunday Bible Class 1Kings_10_12_5-23-07_Lesson_MP.mp3
05/20/07 1 Kings 1-5 Marty Pickup Bible Class 1 Kings Sunday Bible Class 1Kings_1_5_5-20-07_Lesson_MP.mp3
05/20/07 The Greatness of Solomon Marty Pickup Sermon (none) Sunday The_Greatness_of_Solomon_5-20-07_Sermon_MP.mp3
05/20/07 Saul and David Marty Pickup Sermon (none) Sunday Saul_and_David_5-20-07_Sermon_MP.mp3
05/16/07 2 Sam. 13-15 Marty Pickup Bible Class 2 Samuel Sunday Bible Class 2Samuel_13_15_5-16-07_Lesson_MP.mp3
05/13/07 2 Sam. 10-14 Marty Pickup Bible Class 2 Samuel Sunday Bible Class 2Samuel_10_14_5-13-2007_Lesson_MP.mp3
05/13/07 A Worthy Woman Marty Pickup Sermon (none) Sunday A_Worthy_Woman_5-13-07_Sermon_MP.mp3
05/10/07 Joshua and Jesus Marty Pickup Sermon (none) Sunday Joshua_and_Jesus_1_7_07_M_P.mp3
05/10/07 Song Service Marty Pickup Sermon (none) Sunday Song_Service_14_1_07.mp3
05/09/07 2 Sam. 6-7 Marty Pickup Bible Class 2 Samuel Sunday Bible Class 2Samuel_6_7_5-9-07_Lessom_MP.mp3
05/06/07 2 Sam. 2-4 Charlie Bright Bible Class 2 Samuel Sunday Bible Class 2Samuel_2_4_5-6-07_Lesson_CB.mp3
05/06/07 Life Lasts How Long? Jeff Smith Sermon (none) Sunday Life_Lasts_How_Long_5-6-07_Sermon_JS.mp3
05/06/07 The Christian and Civil Authority Jeff Smith Sermon (none) Sunday The_Christian_and_Civil_Authority_5-6-07_Sermon_JS.mp3
05/02/07 1 Samuel 28 - 2 Samuel 5 Marty Pickup Bible Class 1 Samuel Sunday Bible Class 1Samuel_28_2Samuel_5_5-2-07_Lesson_MP.mp3
04/29/07 1 Sam. 21 - 2 Sam. 5 Marty Pickup Bible Class 1 Samuel Sunday Bible Class 1_Sam_21-2Sam5_4_29_07_Lesson_MP.mp3
04/29/07 The War on Sin Dustin Goolsby Sermon (none) Sunday The_war_on_sin_4_29_07_DG.mp3
04/22/07 Modesty Jeff Smith Sermon (none) Sunday Modesty_4-22-07_Sermon_JS.mp3
04/22/07 A Faithful Priest Jeff Smith Sermon (none) Sunday A_Faithful_Priest_4-22-07_Sermon_JS.mp3

Displaying 3181 - 3200 of 3493

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